Read the book, seen the film and still feel like you need some extra Ummppffff?
Have no fear… here’s the sequel.
Forget 50 shades of grey… here’s 50 shades of cat
As a cat behaviourist and cat grooming specialist I work with the most amazing cats and human caretakers. I always carry my camera around with me so here are some of the best shots. There may not be 50 photo’s of cats but the one’s I have chosen sure will take you to new heights, hopefully!!
Who needs sex when you have cats… Erm.. Did I really just say that? 🙂
The cat photo’s below are copyright of Anita Kelsey (apart from photo 14 and 19) so please do ask if you wish to use one on your web site. None have been edited in photoshop apart from photo 3.. the amazing Shelby with the largest cat eyes I have ever seen.

There you have it.. Uplifted? 😉
If you are seeking a cat grooming specialist in London or an expert cat behaviour psychologist then you have come to the right web site. Please email for any enquiries.